On the occasion of International Youth Day, we would like to take the time to celebrate the reason our energies and passions are constantly renewed, our inspiration for innovation, our raison d’être – YOU, our young IRs! Thank you for being you and for choosing us as your partners your journey to success. As an ode to you, here are a few facts on why you are so important to us.
The History Of International Youth Day
Because the youth are really our future, it is only apt that you have your own day that the world celebrates! International Youth Day was first endorsed in 1999 at the United Nations General Assembly as a way to raise awareness about the situation of the youth worldwide and to encourage governments to develop activities that enhance their situation. Last year’s focus was on creating safe spaces for youth. This year, the theme is “Transforming Education”, and we couldn’t be more proud of being part of this clarion call to invest in our youth.
Your Influence In Numbers
QNET and Direct Selling would not be the same without you and here’s why:
- QNET currently has 335, 427 young IRs between the ages of 18-24 and 1,855,685 IRs between the age group of 25-35! That’s just over a whopping TWO MILLION YOUNG IRs in QNET!
- Millennials (Age 19-35) are currently the largest age group in the workforce globally!
- As of the latest figures by the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), at least 28% of the direct sellers globally are under 34. 28% of you contribute to a thriving 19 billion dollar industry! How many youths can actually say that?
#TransformingEducation On Behalf Of Our Young IRs
At QNET, we believe that education isn’t only about ABCs but also about personal growth, about having a voice and a chance for success. Through our business plan and our products, we try to provide our young IRs exactly that. Our qLearn and our Qi Edu City initiatives represent our dedication to making education inclusive and accessible to all youth, regardless of gender identity, race, geographic location or even budget.
Happy International Youth Day to all our young superstars! Because you are filled with tremendous ambitions, an unquenchable thirst for success, a hunger to keep learning constantly and the willingness to change, you manage to inspire us daily and you keep us young! Know that you are loved and appreciated. We cannot wait to see what great milestones we are going to reach together in the years to come!