Wellness. Energy. Molecular restructuring. When it comes to QNET products, if you’ve heard any of these terms before, you’ll know what we’re talking about.
You’ve got it, it’s the one and only Amezcua product line! In this particular case, we’re giving the spotlight over to Amezcua Bio Disc 3. You might have heard of how this neat little disc restructures water molecules – ‘energises’ them, if you will – but are you aware of its true applications to your well-being?
Most of us have plants in our homes. They add a sense of peace to our environment and produce oxygen, and like all living beings, they do need nourishment. Namely, light and water for photosynthesis, and compost to enrich the soil with nutrients. All of these are just different forms of energy – which, as it happens, is what Bio Disc 3 is specifically designed to harmonise.
Let’s take the Bio Disc discussion to the next step.
The main benefit of Bio Disc 3 is that it restructures water molecules, providing for optimal cellular hydration, but it doesn’t just stop there. The disc itself is made up of a special combination of granulated crystals, energised with our very own proprietary technology through a process that integrates quantum physics and specialised geometrical structuring. This allows for the disc to harmonise the energy in its proximity, clearing energy blockages, and restoring proper flow and qualitative balance within our biological functions.
This balanced life-giving state is such that it increases bio-availability of essential nutrients to humans, plants and animals. Plants, fruits and vegetables, when exposed in proximity to the disc are getting the most out of their nourishment and will therefore have a longer shelf-life.
Simply put, this product is a result of innovative technology implemented in a simple vessel. Take full advantage of the benefits of Bio Disc 3. Learn as much as you can and share the knowledge with others, for only then can we improve the lives around us with certainty.
As Diamond Star and V Partner Dev Wadhwani said, “It is my belief that you need to present a product or opportunity on its own merit. Be truthful, because you are building something that will last you a lifetime.” Therefore, as a professional direct seller, selling your product truthfully can only be done when you’re well-informed. Learning about the science behind it is an advantage as much as it is your duty, to properly represent yourselves as salespeople.
SEE ALSO: Bio Disc 3 – Redefining Energy of Water
I want to buy one of these bio disq, where I can do this?